Consent to share information about your case

It can be helpful for us to work closely with another organisation to help you resolve your problem. For example, a Housing Association, a social prescriber or the District Council. We need your consent to share information about your case with another organisation. If you give us consent now to share information you still have the right to withdraw that consent in the future.

Can we tell that organisation what advice we have given you?(Required)
Can we give that organisation an update on the progress on your case? For example, if you have told us that you have started to receive a benefit(Required)
Can we tell that organisation if we refer you on to another organisation?(Required)
Can we share information that includes reference to the following? Tick all that apply(Required)
We will only share this information with the organisation you have chosen if it is relevant to your case.
Please note: you have the right to withdraw consent for us to share information at any time. Please feel free to discuss this with your Adviser and update us on your decision at any time.