Adult man looking concerned


Citizens Advice Mid Suffolk can provide a wide range of information and advice on health-related issues ranging from prescription charges; free dentist treatment; grants; nursing home fees and where to get help and assistance with certain medical conditions.

We run a project for the South Suffolk Branch of the MS Society specifically for families affected by Multiple Sclerosis. If you or a family member is affected by MS please mention this to the Adviser when you contact us.

For detailed advice please contact Citizens Advice Mid Suffolk on 01449 676060 or contact us online.

Other websites that provide useful health advice include:

  • Suffolk County Council
  • Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.
  • Gamblers Anonymous offer the hand of friendship to anyone who is looking to try and stop gambling.
  • The MS Society fight to improve treatment and care to help people with Multiple Sclerosis take control of their lives.
  • St Nicholas Hospice Care provide practical, medical and spiritual support to local people and their families living with life-threatening illnesses.