Adult woman with drink looking out of window

A big thank you to Hopestead

Posted: 29th April 2022

We are delighted to confirm that we now have a dedicated trained Money Adviser working closely with local Housing Officers to help tenants with debt and budgeting.

This has been made possible by Hopestead, who have provided us with funding for this project. You can read more about Hopestead’s fantastic work and their mission to end homeslessness in the East of England on the Hopestead webpage.

Our Money Adviser gives tenants one to one support, to help avoid homelessness and enable people to take control of their finances. They can help with debt and prepare a balanced budget, as well as assist with other support, such as conducting a benefit check.

If you want to speak with our Money Adviser, or need advice on any other matter, please get in touch with us and we will help you find a way forward.